When it comes to certain aspects of our lives there are a few words we need to work on eliminating from our vocabulary. To move boldly forward in this beautiful life, we need to think and adapt positive, affirmative thoughts
and actions. The power of positive thoughts
and positive words have Impacts one’s life in ways we sometimes did not expect.
I am positive that most people desire a better life; one which is full of joy, happiness, peace, perfect health, better relationships, financial freedom
, the whole works. However, our mind, thoughts and utterances tend to effortlessly embrace words and phrases such as no, not, can’t, never, don’t, if, but, is difficult, is impossible, and such like.
It is so easy for us to doubt ourselves and our abilities. We seem to be always ready to say no, I can’t, but it is difficult, or something to that effect to ourselves when we encounter a perceived challenging situation.
I recall growing up in the countryside in Guyana, where fruit trees are almost everywhere. Looking up at those trees and longing for some of the best looking ripe mangoes and guavas from some three feet plus off the ground brought numerous thoughts to my little mind. There were thoughts of doubt, fear, and determination and yes, there were tears too. I tried using sticks to knock those fruits down, and when that did not work I asked my older brothers and cousins to grab them for me.
However, as I grew I found that hitting the fruits damaged them and often times there was no one there to get them for me. So, I had to find another way to get to them. It was funny because my confidence seemed to have grown as I was growing. Thoughts of climbing those trees like my brothers did lingered until I ventured out and did just that. I was labeled a “tom boy” because I became a prow at climbing those trees and grabbing fruits not just for myself, but for friends and cousins. The confidence I developed to climbing trees was as a result of my positive thoughts and actions. I recall thinking and saying to myself no, don’t try you may fall, I can’t do this, what if I fall, and all such like. I guess my desire for those fruits were so strong I had opposed those thoughts with thoughts and words like yes, I can, I will be fine, I will get to the top and to the fruit etc. in order for me to develop the courage and confidence to climb.
The doubt negative thoughts place on our minds, are the first barriers we need to bring down. They will only defeat us if we permit them.
I love this verse from the Bible, Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me and Bob Proctor’s quote, “thoughts become things
.” I use these two statements and a few others daily. They keep me positive and focused on what I am pursuing.
Thinking positive thoughts
, using positive words and phrases, taking affirmative action and letting go and letting God be your guide are the basics for making a better life.
For more information see us @ www.caribbeanframes.com
For more information see us @ www.caribbeanframes.com
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